
7. SELECTING MEASURES PACKAGES WITH STAKEHOLDERS EXPAND 7.1 create and assess long list of measures with stakeholders EXPAND SUMP_introduction_TUD_voeko S@mpler_Material_Guidace_form_SUMP_introduction Download Now!1 Download Lecture_SUMP_introduction_TUD_voeko...


8. AGREEING ACTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITES EXPAND 8.1 describe all actions EXPAND 8.2 identify funding sources and assess financial capacities EXPAND 8.3 agree priorites, responsibilities and timeline EXPAND 8.4 ensure wide political and public support...


9. PREPARING FOR ADOPTION AND FINANCING EXPAND 9.1 develop financial plans and agree cost sharing EXPAND 9.2 finalise and assure quality of SUMP document...


10. MANAGING IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING EXPAND 10.1 coordinate implementation of actions EXPAND 10.2 procure goods ans services...


11. ADAPTING AND COMMUNICATING EXPAND 11.1 coordinate implementation of actions EXPAND  Pedestrians-Cyclists Shared Spaces Level of Service Comparison of Methodologies and Critical Discussion S@mpler TMG_11.1_ . Pedestrians-Cyclists Shared Spaces Level of Service...


12. REVIEWING AND LEARNING LESSONS EXPAND 12.1 analyse successes and failures EXPAND Development of an Evaluation Framework for Smartness and Sustainability in Cities S@mpler TMG_12.1_Development of an Evaluation Framework for Smartness and Sustainability in Cities...